Wednesday, November 3, 2010

It's scarf time...

It's getting really cold, and me without any heat. But, thankfully, I'm getting a new furnace installed on Monday!

Fall is scarf weather and everyone can use a nice scarf. There are free patterns all over the internet. Sites like, and are just a few of the sites with nice free patterns. Knitty has some very inventive and challenging patterns.

Also Ravelry, which is kind of like Facebook for needlecrafters, is a place to find a treasure trove of patterns. You have to join Ravelry, but once you discover how much there is available on that site, you'll be happy you did.

You can make a plain knit scarf (garter stitch), but by using either novelty yarn, thick yarn or two strands of yarn and gigantic needles (size 15-17), you can come up with something really beautiful. And a scarf like that only takes hours to create.
Here's a scarf knit with two strands of different colored yarns.
Or you can create something a little more extravagant.

A mobius scarf (continuous loop with a twist) made from merino wool/silk blend.
It doesn't really matter what you create, as long as you just try to making something. Knitting isn't an exact science. There are no wrong answers. You just need some yarn, needles and time.